Aslak Holmberg
Njuorggán, Sápmi, Finland
Aslak Holmberg has for the past decade worked with Sámi and Indigenous issues through NGO:s, Sámi parliament, as well as through activism and academia. He is currently the president of the Saami Council. He is a fisher and holds a master’s degree in Indigenous studies. Indigenous rights and knowledge are at the core of his work in various fields, thus working with co-creative approaches flows well with the other work he does.
Co-Create Projects:
- Ethics & Methods in Transformative Arctic Research Series
- A Week of Exchange: Ethics and Methods in Arctic Transformative Research (WEMA) III and DÁVGI final gathering
- DÁVGI - Co-creation for Biocultural Diversity in the Arctic
- CO-CREATE EU Service Grant Roadmap
- Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2022: Co-creating Arctic Research Together with Indigenous Rights Holders - Experiences from Natural Sciences
- 21st Arctic Dialogue 2023